As a student and junior resident, I didn’t understand how surgeons decided when to use each suture/needle. I tried to pick up on patterns but the info was never in one place. This is an attempt to solve that problem using @NotionHQ

In one click, you can see details about each suture and needle type and convert between brands @Ethicon @Medtronic

Using filters and tabs, display the information in a way that makes sense to you

I'm sure I didn't get it all right and that some info is missing or incorrect. I suspect number of knots and use cases vary among surgeons.
Thanks to everyone who has already given feedback, including students, residents, and faculty from @ColumbiaSurgery and @UCSFSurgery
Using #humancentered#design principles, I hope to iteratively improve this tool with feedback from the #SurgTwitter#SurgEd community!
🧵about 🪡
— Tejas Sathe (@tssathe) October 28, 2022
Hi #SurgTwitter, I am building a digital guide to sutures and needles and would love your feedback! #SurgTwitter #SurgEd #gensurgmatch2023@SAGES_Updates @AcademicSurgery @AmCollSurgeons @Surg_Education @BehindTheKnife @modern_surgeon